Living with less infographic from mnn
While this site may not expose extreme very early financial independence by cutting expenses to nothing, bartering and being generally addicted to the end goal there are some really extreme examples of what you can achieve out there.

One article that recently caught the CoNTeNDeRs eye was 6 fascinating people who own almost nothing. Owning almost nothing -  very impressive try that one with two kids! Here are just a few of the benefits of this.

  1. No need for an oversized house to keep the stuff in and any moving costs
  2. No need to heat a huge house the list of savings apart from energy are daunting
  3. No consumer tendencies to waste money on stuff - you have nowhere to put it and you don't need it
  4. As you are no longer a hostage to your stuff you need to have activities that are physically or mentally stimulation to keep you 'entertained'
All of these points are a dream for extreme financial independence and getting to know oneself. At the same time it doesn't cost the earth to do it Why we need to live with less infographic.

How extreme could you go?

Peace, prosperity and happiness


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  1. Living cheap in London27 November 2013 at 20:49

    Glad you liked the links ;-)


Are you planning for financial independence and wondering what to do with it. If so is any of the content on this blog of use to you? I would appreciate any comments you have. All the best C

Welcome to FISH !
You have come here looking for answers. How to get out of debt? How to save and invest? How to retire early and how you want to live in retirement.

Well this is the right place for you as out tribe has been through all of these steps. We no longer work for a corporate employer and have saved enough to retire early. How we did this is shared here on this site for you.

Our little tribe found out these secrets to financial independence in our late 20’s. Since then we have taken early retirement, in our late 30's, in just 7 years. We now live in the South West of France with our two young children.

Along the way I decided to share everything I learnt. My articles and tips on aggressive saving and compound investing are there to help you meet your financial goals fast. I discuss ways to help you decide what you want by building a life plan. This helps to work out how to get where you want to be whilst avoiding the pitfalls along the way.

My expertise was built up working in blue chip corporate jobs, extensive reading and putting it into practice. I have condensed this knowledge into simple strategies to help you meet your goals and not those of the bank or the place you work.

There are free planning tools on this site that help you make a life plan. A plan for your future. The tools calculate how to reach your financial goals in a timeline that suits you. The tools help set out your life goals, make them happen and how to exceed them.

There are tips on how to simplifying your life to remove day to day headaches. These include ways to pay off debt fast buy eliminating wasteful spending habits. How to reduce your monthly bills through choices that actually improve your health and wellbeing. Identifying things you don’t need that sap your time and wallet.

There are little sustainability projects to reduce your dependence on shops and utilities whilst saving money to spend on things you want.

All of these little steps will show you how save 50%+ of your salary so you can meet your goal whatever it is. This huge saving rate can be compounded for very early retirement. I am sure you will find something here for you.

Darren Lee (A.K.A the Contender as in my blog)
