Top Articles!

Top Free Planning Tools!
Get In The Ring? - What is this blog all about

Screener for Value and Dividend Stocks and Case Schiller PE10 metrics
FAC51 - 10 reasons while frugal is cool - why the f*** not!

Financial Independence Options - A Financial Timeline Planning Spreadsheet
Family Financial Independence in 7 Years! Almost FI this is how we got there

30 Rules of Very Early Retirement

10 Career Skills for Early Retirement

Stuck Generation - Generational cycles and the impact on the next generation

Why Financial Independence / Early Retirement?

Information Pages
Get In The Ring? - What is this blog all about Top Post!
Who is THE.CONTENDER? - A Mid 30's Welshman striving for Financial Independence....
Bonkers Lifestyle - Living for today versus planning for the future

CARL (Contender Awesome Reading List) - Some interesting books
Brainwashed? - Marketing magic and consumerism

CSI (Contender Sources of Information) - Links to free newsletters and useful websites
Awakening - Alternatives to consumerism.

Four Key Planning Rules Planning ahead and making things happen with a simple technique

Free Planning Tools - What are the tools this blog is going to provide

Financial Independence Planning Articles

Seeking Happiness Articles
Free Financial Freedom Planning Tool Free Tool!
Life Goals and Happiness - Evaluating where to live, education and community
Family Financial Independence in 7 Years! Almost FI this is how we got there Top Post!
Who Am I and What do I Need - Skills & Life Plan Monthly Review Process PLAN DO CHECK ACT
10 Rules of Extreme Saving - Rules help build habits that help deliver dreams :)

Keeping Healthy - A look at alternative medicine ozone and colloidal silver
Investment Challenges - Where to invest with THE FUTURE on the horizon

10 Education Topics for Financial & Intellectual Freedom - The missing education
Early Retirement with a Mortgage? Analysis of buying versus renting Free Tool!
Stay at home Dad | A Financial Frugality Case Study of Bringing Up Baby - Money saving drive and tips
FAC51 - 10 reasons while frugal is cool - why the f*** not! Top Post!
10 Career Skills for Early Retirement Top Post!
Risk Versus Reward Vanguard tracker funds OR Active investing – A Comparison

Early Retirement at 36 - Charity Time? - Charity fund raising and Africa Project
Financial Armageddon 4 Key Protection Strategies

Community HELP! Part 1 - 10 Amazing Blessings - Amazing community resources, friends and organisations
30 Rules of Very Early Retirement Top Post!
Community HELP! Part 2 - 8 Contributions and Develop New Skills
6 Habits for Very Early Retirement - Develop some new habits to reach FI Top Tips!
Downshifting One Year On - What has THE.CONTENDER learnt from looking after the kids!
Get Real - Investing in REAL Assets

Downshifting - What are you doing? - A look at the challenges associated with downshifting
Financial Independence Planner & Stock Screener Free Tool!
10 Happiness Guidelines
Dividend Surprise Part 1 - Why dividend investing

Do the Right Thing - Is chasing financial independence the right thing to do?
Dividend Surprise Part 2 - Dividend risk planning and progress tracking

Financial Independence For The People - Is financial independence free-loading? Is it good for society?
Financial Independence in a FUBAR Economy - Investing considerations for Financial Independence and some useful alternative view books

Happiness in France - A look at our move to France and the next 4 years
You Can't Take It With You – Financial time line planner Free Tool!
Stuck Generation - Generational cycles and the impact on the next generation Top Post!
CoNTeNDiNG with RiSK - A risky move to France?

6 Happy Time Ideas - Time saving tips
French Living – Quelle Difference? We are now In France – What is the new budget like?

Dreaming, Doomed and Grounded - A look at state of mind and emotions related to financial independence
Feeling Fear - Part 1 - Past FeARS that shaped the TriBE and what was done about them

The Optimist, Realist and Pessimist
Fighting Fear - Part 2 - 3 FuTuRe Fears and What we are doing about them

56 Ways to Be Free, Financially Independent and Happy
Screener for Value and Dividend Stocks and Case Schiller PE10 metrics Free Tool!
10 Reasons Why Financial Independence is Good for Society
Maintaining Wealth I - Bitcoins and Real Estate

Finally There (Guest post)
Maintaining Wealth II - We are all Investors Now

The Joy of Gardening
Phi, Hero and Forecast - A look at Forecasters, Trends and Cycle Theories

Financial Independence Options - A great little Timeline Planning Free Tool!

The Digital Hypocrite - Expensive but useful technology for financial independence

The Ride of a Lifetime A look at 2013 and what was learnt around the world

Learning from THE.PaST - Tribes 2013 investments and what we learnt from the year

Financial Independence through Dividend Value Stock Investing

Training Gym

Top Blog Reviews
10 Blogging Mistakes Contender Styleee - List is getting longer :)

A Good Day To Live
Facinating Real World People

Some of the best FI / ERE Posts of 2012?
Who are you? - What right do I have to blog?

Book Reviews

The Millionaire Next door

Welcome to FISH !
You have come here looking for answers. How to get out of debt? How to save and invest? How to retire early and how you want to live in retirement.

Well this is the right place for you as out tribe has been through all of these steps. We no longer work for a corporate employer and have saved enough to retire early. How we did this is shared here on this site for you.

Our little tribe found out these secrets to financial independence in our late 20’s. Since then we have taken early retirement, in our late 30's, in just 7 years. We now live in the South West of France with our two young children.

Along the way I decided to share everything I learnt. My articles and tips on aggressive saving and compound investing are there to help you meet your financial goals fast. I discuss ways to help you decide what you want by building a life plan. This helps to work out how to get where you want to be whilst avoiding the pitfalls along the way.

My expertise was built up working in blue chip corporate jobs, extensive reading and putting it into practice. I have condensed this knowledge into simple strategies to help you meet your goals and not those of the bank or the place you work.

There are free planning tools on this site that help you make a life plan. A plan for your future. The tools calculate how to reach your financial goals in a timeline that suits you. The tools help set out your life goals, make them happen and how to exceed them.

There are tips on how to simplifying your life to remove day to day headaches. These include ways to pay off debt fast buy eliminating wasteful spending habits. How to reduce your monthly bills through choices that actually improve your health and wellbeing. Identifying things you don’t need that sap your time and wallet.

There are little sustainability projects to reduce your dependence on shops and utilities whilst saving money to spend on things you want.

All of these little steps will show you how save 50%+ of your salary so you can meet your goal whatever it is. This huge saving rate can be compounded for very early retirement. I am sure you will find something here for you.

Darren Lee (A.K.A the Contender as in my blog)
